Registration Packet

Please choose the link below to view either the Medical New Patient Packet or the Ancillary New Patient Packet for (Behavioral Health, Chiropractic, Optical, and Dental). The Medical New Patient Packet can be completed for medical care only or include any or all other care needed. The Ancillary New Patient Packet is for any or all other services, not medical. If you would just like to access Behavior Health, Chiropractic, Optical or Dental please fill out the Ancillary New Patient Packet, you can choose one or all services. If you complete the packet online the packet will be sent to our office for processing. If you wish you can print and fill out the application and bring to Marimn Health, we will process your application. The processing times will still be the same.

For new medical patients we will process the packet in 24-48 Hours, one of our team members will contact you for follow up. To be scheduled for a medical appointment there could be a wait time, as we will need your previous medical records on file before we can set the appointment.

For Ancillary care, once the application is completed you are eligible to call and set up an appointment.

Financial Services

Marimn Health offers a Sliding Fee Program which allows low-income individuals and families to access care at a discount. To apply for this program, please download the application and bring to Marimn Health Medical Center along with required documents. Click link below.

Outreach and Enrollment

Navigating the health insurance market place can be intimidating and confusing for many people, but Marimn Health can make the process much easier. If you’re struggling to understand health insurance and would like help, call us. Marimn Health’s Outreach & Enrollment team is here to help our community members find and apply for affordable health insurance.

Schedule an appointment with one of our O&E staff members to discuss your options by stopping by or calling 208.686.1931.  You can also email questions to

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